Delivery Approach
SICTA will work closely with all the ICT stakeholder in Sudan but will not be involved in any execution tasks. An exception for execution task can be obtained via Steering Committee decision making process.
SICTA operates using four specialized Streams to cover the spectrum of the ICT sector in addition to an Engagement Stream.
The Steering Committee is meant to harmonize and maximize synergies among these Streams. Ad hoc teams are formed by the Steering Committee for special purposes as seen needed during the normal operation and are dismantled by the end of their mandates
Each Stream is further divided into Areas and Workgroups. A Workgroup is the smallest level in the structure of SICTA where the actual delivery happens
Workgroups produce a wide range of deliverables and artifacts. Each artifact development process varies depending on the nature of the work product.
It’s anticipated that number of WGs will develop a high-level plan for their respective areas. For that purpose, and to ensure consistency across SICTA WG deliverables, a standard process has been defined for the development of high-level plans within the sector.
- Ensure availability of information related to the current state and local context
- Ensure engagement of SICTA members and local stakeholders with knowledge about the environment
- Conduct bench marking against countries with similar context
- Socialize input from local stakeholders on the target model