ICT Public Policy & Regulations Stream Mandate

In general, this stream assesses existing ICT laws and regulations in Sudan, and examines whether they meet the objectives of a progressive and futuristic ecosystem. It also identifies and addresses gaps and makes recommendations for the necessary amendments. The streams’ mission is to create the right balance between the interests of the state and the citizens’ rights to access excellent, affordable and secure ICT services, while taking into account the realities of the Sudanese consumers and businesses.

Open Data and Information Access, Competition, Taxation, Data Protection and Individual Privacy are some of the important topic that this stream addresses. We endeavor to work with policymakers to develop a progressive regulatory framework that is future proof and enables the country to become a leader in digital revolution among other countries in the region. The stream believes in the role of the private sector in the development of ICT in Sudan.

Our mission to build an ICT sector that is dynamic, agile and an attractive to both local and foreign investments. This is critical to position ICT as one of the change catalysts in the post December 2018 revolution

Key Programs (Focus Areas)

  • ICT laws, Regulations and standards
  • Data Protection and Data Privacy Law
  • ICT agreement that includes but not limited to (ISP licenses, SW, etc…)
  • Digital and Financial Inclusion & National Digital Strategy
  • National Broadband Strategy
  • Promote competition and affordability for internet and mobile services
  • Council Policies CoC, and all other related legal issues (Internally)